Tip me over and pour me out…

Even though it’s been a very mild winter here…I saw my first snow flakes of the winter this past weekend..you can still find me sipping a hot beverage on a daily basis.  My hot beverage of choice used to be a snazzy flavored coffee from our Keurig.  Don’t misread me, I still have quite the love for some coffee Keurigness, but around December, my bev of choice turned to hot teas.  Yes, I know you can get hot teas for the Keurig and believe me, I’ve been through boxes and they are quite yummy.  There is one thing though that only comes around in December, that is always the highlight of winter for me; well besides snowflakes!

Meet…Kristin’s hot beverage of choice for the winter months…


Yes, that is Tazo Tea!  This particular tea is called Joy and it’s a yummy blend of green, black and oolong teas.  It has a floral/fruity hint and requires little additional sweetner.  I easily drink 3 mugs of this tea a day.  What I love about this tea, is one sachet lasts me multiple cups.  The only downside to this tea, is that I can usually only find it in December.  Therefore, I load up and buy boxes full to last me throughout the winter.  Not only  does Tazo tea taste great, but tea also provides some healthy benefits as well.

Healthy Tea Facts:

*Tea helps reduce stress hormone levels

*Tea contains antioxidants that are shown to decrease cancer risks

*Tea aids in digestion

*Tea can help reduce plaque and cavities

*Tea can lower cholesterol levels

 So if you ever desire a break from your daily coffee routine, enjoy some goodness in Tazo Tea! 

“Come, let us have some tea and continue to talk about happy thoughts.” -Chaim Potok



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